Purpleheart Hardwood Decking Timber | $13.90 per LM | excl GST
Purpleheart is simply a great decking timber product. It has all the qualities you require for decking timber. It is perfect around pools or other areas where other timbers may cause a problem.
As it now has a proven record many councils are choosing to use only Purpleheart Timber. In 2017-2018 Hamilton City Council used Purple Heart Timber for decking and seating in the 'Victoria on the River' development. In 2018 Wellington council used Purpleheart Timber for their award winning waterfront development 'Kumutoto Pavillion'.
Purple Heart decking timber can display a range of colours, from a natural look with no oils to various colour options using different penetrating oils. It is entirely up to you with regards to what look you are trying to achieve on your decking.
Original Colour: Deep Purple
Texture: Usually Straight grain, with smooth fine texture
Density (Dry): 900kg/m3
Length Spread: 1.8 - 6m
Dried: Kiln
Janka Hardness: 11.19(kN)
Expansion/Contraction: 3.0%
Tannin Bleed: No
Standard Sizes: Smooth-100/19 & 140/19
Life expectancy: 20-25 years
Durability Class: Class 1-2. Durable
Screws: 316 Stainless Steel